Rip off lazyboy chair 1100 plus down the drain horrble customer service .
Beware of Lazyboy chairs I purchased a 1100 dollar plus piece of trash no help from customer service spent 5 months complaining to be ping pong back and forth from HSN to lazyboy repair so now HSN SAYS SORRY WE CAN’T HELP YOU. I WILL NEVER MAKE ANOTHER PURCHASE WITH HSN,QVC OR SHOP HQ SAY GOOD BUY TO A GOOD CUSTOMER. I WILL BE POSTING ON EVERY MULTI MEDIA SITE.
I am so sorry you had this much trouble with a substantial purchase. I have learned the hard way not to buy anything substantial from any of the channels. For those types of purchases, I was to deal directly with the store. I know you can still experience problems, but at least you have a face to return to with complaints, etc.
So very true!!! We bought a new beautyrest mattress during 2020 & Covid. We love it, so we purchased the one on sale in February of this year. I guess we just got lucky. I wouldn’t do chairs or couches. Every one feels different. I’m sorry for you. We bought Lazyboy recliners about 10 years ago & the quality was terrible. We replaced them with faux leather about 6 years ago & they are much better.
I’m truly sorry you’ve had so much trouble with your defective chair, @jinglelababy! I share your frustration and would like to help. The chair includes a 1-year limited warranty. Although the 1 year will be up in just two weeks, you still have time to take advantage of this warranty by calling 855-802-6636. You can also reach them directly at
If you would like additional assistance with this order or have other questions, we would be happy to help! Please feel free to respond here with them, or you can email us directly at
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Posted in Customer Service
4 Replies
08.16.23 6:13 PM
4 Participants