Return shipping label
I have recently made 2 returns using the shipping label HSN provides with order. I did not realize the tracking is not on the reverse side that I keep. How can I provide the tracking # to customer service if it is not on my copy? I know for future I need to write it down. I never had to do that before. Please help. The returns are taking up to a month and I don’t know how to give proof of shipment. I wish HSN would go back to their original shipping labels. Thank you for your help.
Need a return label for a Shepa dog bed my Yorkies will not use it. Called customer service but they did not send me a label.
I’m sorry that you’ve been unable to get a return label, @veejay0414. I’ve emailed you a new one to the email address we have on file. You should have it within 2 hours. You can also print from from you account on hsn.com.
I need a shipping label for a return.
Daphne Weldgen
My order did not come with an invoice. Only the bags that has the item number was all I could send you. How do I return this package? I have and will order more merchandise from you.
However, the items need an invoice to make the order complete. Thank you for your time. I am looking forward to a prompt reply.Daphne Weldgen
I’d be more than happy to take a look into your returns, @sharpmd. Do you mind sharing the items that you returned?
Thank you Krissy. The order # is 1833268020. I returned it more than a couple of weeks ago. Thank you.
Conversation Info
Posted in Customer Service
7 Replies
12.05.24 7:53 PM
5 Participants