Question on flex pay
When I checked my flex pay this morning I realized there are 2 payments that
are due on March 23rd. I also just received my statement with a credit of
$36.00 The question is: will I be charged interest now because these 2
payments are technically late?. Wasn’t there a time when they would double
bill you for flex pay charges?
I really am sorry for this delayed response, @sue925. I hope that I answer your concern regarding your payment and HSN Credit Card account. As with any credit card, you’re only charged interest on a balance that is carried over from month to month. As for double charging, we don’t double charge any FlexPays as they are billed every 30 calendar days. However, if you happen to purchase an item on a month that has 31 days in it, your FlexPays will be charged on the 1st and 31st.
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Posted in Customer Service
2 Replies
03.06.20 8:16 PM
2 Participants