Problems with logging into account
HSN having technical issues with logging into accounts online tried for over hour to refresh, changed browsers, clear cache, downloaded app nothing worked. There should be a banner on website, hosts should mention, or reps should make customers aware of this issue. Hopefully will be fixed soon
I’m sorry for this inconvenience, @shellyrae2894. I’ve had this happen on my side as well. I’ve found that in the app, it appears like it’s not logging you in, but if you ignore it and go shopping or go to your account information, it is working. We have been letting our tech team know about this issue so they can find the trouble.
Cannot login to my HSN account I’ve done everything. It’s very frustrating. Not sure what to do. I’ve changed my password numerous times, I’ve cleared cache, restarted my phone, reset. I can’t do anything!!!!!
I’m sorry you’re having trouble accessing your account, @leelowjr. Have you tried resetting your password after clearing out your browser’s cache or cookies? If you’re on an app, try uninstalling and reinstalling. If those things don’t work, please let us know.
I am unable to sign into my account. I cannot check status of orders
Please have customer service call my cell phone number with status -
I can not log into my account or make a purchase while using the app on my phone. . I have been trying for a couple of weeks. I have been having some problems using my laptop to access my account as well.
I really am sorry for this delayed response and the inconvenience of not being able to log into your account has caused, @hunybunywuny. It looks like there was an update to some security features that caused this issue, and it should be fixed now.
If you could please clear your browsers cache and cookies and then try to log in again. Let me know if you’re still having issues.
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Posted in Customer Service
7 Replies
12.13.24 7:27 PM
6 Participants