Order still under investigation and it's been 4 months
I’ve tried placing an order for Christmas gifts back in November 2019 and I ran into the issue of never receiving it on my front porch. I talked to customer representatives and they processed a refund for both my orders. I ended up buying it from elsewhere since I was in a rush to get presents all in order. Now, I’m being rebilled for these two orders even though it’s been about 3-4 months later and when I contacted HSN, they said they’re waiting for the investigation. Well the investigation has been 3-4 months and I’m still expected to deal with an issue that has occurred several months ago? They said I should be expecting a “call” from the delivery company confirming if I’ve received it but I can’t sit around expecting to answer every call. I haven’t received a call since. Money is tight here and I’m afraid of these charges staying for several billing cycles so can anyone help me cancel these rebills?
My order is **********
**Edited by HSN: Removed order information to comply with HSN Community Guidelines**
I really am sorry for this delayed response, @tommy83. I took a look and see that our vendor has reopened the claim with UPS. Once the claim has been completed, you will receive a letter or a phone call regarding the outcome. Also, UPS may need to speak with you regarding the claim as well.
Conversation Info
Posted in Customer Service
2 Replies
03.11.20 12:47 PM
2 Participants