Lindsay 10.1 HD 128GB Octo Core Tablet
Nov.27, 2023 I purchased Lindsay 10.1 HD 128GB Octa Core tablet order #1932149508. Item # 852-860. The tablet continued to work until this day Oct. 12, 2024. I tried all day to turn on and this tablet no longer works. I know it is too late for returns but I just wanted your company to know that this tablet is no good too me any longer. I did not get any extra maintenance concerning your products because I never needed that, but now I will be more cautious concerning any further orders from HSN.
Ms. Lucinda Shields
I’m very sorry your Linsay tablet stopped working, @silky_with-mom03. I visited the product page by putting the item number (852860) into the search bar at the top of HSN.com. On the page is a link to the Warranty information: https://img.hsni.com/images/content/98d70d51-37de-4a8f-b27e-503eb98ce69dLINSAY-HowtoObtainWarrantyService.pdf
To obtain warranty service, contact LINSAY Technical Support via email at TechnicalSupport@LINSAYdigital.com or call 305-979-5067. Customer Care by email customersupport@linsaydigital.com. Call Monday -Friday 9.30 am to 4.30 pm at 305-956-9273.
I have sent you a proof of purchase to your email address (removed for your privacy) so you have that on hand when you speak to them.
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Posted in Customer Service
2 Replies
10.13.24 3:59 PM
2 Participants