HSN and Easy-Shipping Lables
Beware when you order items from HSN that not every one can be returned with a USPS label. You are given a UPS return label and you have to take your package to the PUS store. You no longer have the option to have USPS pick it up from your porch!!!! Just another cheap trick from HSN. They say that they are doing business with vendors that are calling the shots….directed at the customer. The customer should be told at the beginning of the presentation about the the trickery they are pulling on us. I use shopping services that have an easy return service because I’m handicapped and it makes it easy for me to have USPS pick up my return s from the porch. Now I have to HIRE someone to take them to UPS for me! NO THANK YOU. HSN is no longer on my side….or yours.
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Posted in Customer Service
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11.06.23 9:10 PM
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