Please teach your host to stop interrupting the guest, talking over them constantly with irrelevant comments. Please let the shoppers hear the presentation from the vendor who obviously know the product the best. Viewers understand that they might be getting ques in their earpiece, however Helen was interrupting & talking over or at the same time. It was so annoying that I won’t be purchasing the TSV. This complaint has been requested by others multiple times but obviously falls on deaf ears. Once again, without viewers there are no shoppers. HSN needs us. Bring new vendors like QVC has. HSN has become boring.
I agree they talk too much it’s annoying. They also need better quality clothing with everything offered in petites like QVC. Shopping at QVC is like shopping at a high end department store that actually listens to their customers! You ask they deliver. HSN is like u are purchasing bargain basement all the rejects at rock bottom price after no one purchases it or they did but everyone returned it; because it was that bad
Please please please stop showing so much Andrew Lessman. I had to stop watching because he is on too much. Just like Joy. Why ruin a good thing? Also get rid of Bobble, Tina, Marlo, Rebecca, Debbie D, , Emily, Natasha and Ty
Helen Keaney is really bad. She will not just stop talking about nonsense. I want to hear about what the product representative has to say about the products. I just have to stop watching when she is on with the chatter that has nothing to do with the products. She acts like an actress and HSN is the Helen Keaney Show. I just stop watching when she is on. Yes, Rebecca Vargas talks too much, I just stop listening to her hoping that she will give the product representative the opportunity to talk to us. Sometimes, many of the HSN Host sound like Used Car Salesman and I turn to QVC.
QVC hosts are worse than HSN, and both have sometimes become unwatchable.
I just got done watching a segment on Living Glow bulbs, and the host Rebecca Vargas got on my nerves to the point where I wanted to throw something at the TV. Every time the poor rep started talking, she’d get halfway through and then Rebecca would talk over her. It is the most annoying and rude thing. I don’t want to watch any other segment that she does. Just STOP TALKING already and let the people do their job.
I agree with interruptions. Stop it. Many of your hosts need to be re trained. When they do this, I turn off the channel. It is just rude.
i agree 100 % with KNOWLES in this chat. We loyal HSN customers matter and our voices should be hear much more !!
This topic has been brought up in various chats over and over again and nobody does anything about it.
Does HSN management not realize that you’re losing sales because you keep shoving unwatchable hosts in front of the camera for us to watch???
Is there no re-training of these unprofessional hosts, supervision and removing hosts that are just not teachable. PLEASE! -
I’m sorry for the inconvenience caused by the host speaking over the vendor during the presentation. I completely understand your frustration, and I want to assure you that I will bring this matter to the attention of the appropriate team to address it.
Conversation Info
Posted in Customer Service
9 Replies
11.08.24 11:50 PM
9 Participants