Help with a price difference!
Hello C.S.,
On 1/23/2020, I purchased item #427-130 for $30.95 and it is now for $23.22. On 2/7/2020, I purchased item #534-863 for $22.90 and it now also is for $17.90.
Is there any way you can help with these two price differences? I would truly appreciate it.
Hey @poochers1! I’d be more than happy to take a look into this for you. Would you like the refunds in Spendable Ka$h?
Hello Krissy.
Thank you and that would be fine.
Hey @poochers1, I’ve issued the refunds into Spendable Ka$h for you. You now have $13.39 that you can use on a future purchase.
Conversation Info
Posted in Customer Service
4 Replies
02.22.20 2:36 PM
2 Participants