FBN's Post Keeping the Games Until December 31, 2020
FBN, i tried to send an e-mail to the Arcade Team through their website area and I think we all have been “bamboozled.” If you wish to send an e-mail to them you now have to go through the regular customer service channels. Today is the last day for many of us to play our favorites and there has been no answer either way on our ongoing process. This is not good customer service to say the least nor is it good public relations for HSN. You have had at least 50 replies to this thread which proves that saying goodbye to games we love is a crying shame. Funny, there are many alternatives to not only to add more games but also is within the realm to keep those we have grown attached to. Evidently, they are afraid to try a new format or that to change course is too expensive or they just don’t want to be bothered. Whatever the reason, I think we all need an explanation and also a way to an alternative route.
Yes its supported until Dec but even as it is now there are over 1000 Security Vulnerabilities and it is one of the top targets for malware developers/hackers.This is a good reason for sites to phase it out as soon as they can now that support will end in 6 months and start replacing it with something safer.Sites have no reason to offer support for a product that doesn’t offer support for itself.Also they need to be in process of implementing new and safer alternatives.So basically it amounts to out with the old and in with the new sooner rather than later.
All the old games were gone for me after 3 a.m. this morning.I cleared cookies and history,etc so all traces of the old games would be gone.Everything seems to be working okay as I play except for Flip Out.I am sure there will be a few bugs to work out .I would guess that they are removing the flash supported games as not to possibly allow a virus or harm to ones computer.Risk is very low at this point but most likely looking out for them self legally.
I think the games will be okay once everything gets in place.Always takes some time when things change.Seems like change is going to become the normal now in all things.-
Dynac, flash does not end until December, 2020. Until then. Adobe would continue to implement virus protection along with Microsoft’s firewall and whatever you use for this purpose as well. The main concern here is that there has been no reply from either the Arcade team or customer service within this thread. There are other alternatives in keeping the games rather than losing them. This has yet to be addressed. It would have been good customer service to answer the thread started by FBN where over 50 customers voted their concerns. When the Arcade team notified us of changes coming and asked for feedback, there was no acknowledgement. Again poor, extremely poor public relations, which in my book shows a do not care attitude.
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Posted in Customer Service
4 Replies
06.25.20 2:23 AM
2 Participants