difference in shipping between "as is" and reg item
There is a warm and cozy floral blanket in “as is” for 12.99. Sounds like a great deal! Shipping and handling is 7.50 which I thought was high, so I checked the same item non “as is” and it’s sale price is 19.99 with 3.50 shipping and handling! HSN please stop doing this! We are smart shoppers and notice these dis-honest practices. It happens A LOT with “as is” items and others have discussed it here as well. Really makes me think I can’t trust HSN and discourages my buying anything, not just those particular items.
I’m sorry for the difference in shipping between the original and as-is items, @jazzy333. We are not made aware of how shipping prices are determined, but I assure you that I have put in your concern to the proper department. Thank you for letting us know.
Thanks Lynne!
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Posted in Customer Service
3 Replies
1 month ago
2 Participants