Customer Service
I was about to place an order for an item that was reduced to $79.96 after I used my 20% coupon. Since I almost never find something that the coupon applied to, I was happy to finally be able to use it. When I applied the discount, my total came to $129.55 which included 4 payments of $19.9 for the item, shipping and handling and taxes. However, the item indicated that it was free s/h and my first payment was $74.58 and $7.50 in s/h. When I questioned this on the chat line, she said they can’t check it out til I place the order. Really? You want me to place an order when you have such blatant errors on the order page? You want me to trust that you will fix it? Just like the lifetime customer service for the 2 computers I bought? You burned me on that and now you want me to trust you again. Fool me once ….
@mihs66, I’m very sorry to see you had trouble applying your coupon. Please know we’re happy to assist you with this. I’m also sorry for any trouble you had with lifetime tech support with previous purchases. I would be happy to help you with this also. I wasn’t able to locate your orders but please email that info to so I can better assist you.
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Posted in Customer Service
2 Replies
11.03.19 1:36 PM
2 Participants