Check balance
Where is my payment information? I want to see my flex payments and how much I still owe.
Would like to check my balance
Hi @bonylou, I am not sure what balance you’re speaking about.
I want to check my account
Ck.how much more i owe on my flex pay
Good afternoon @jean614. You can log into your account online at hsn.com. Under the FlexPay Manager, you’ll be able to see all of your open payments. I hope this helps!
Balance of payments
Hi @steph258 you can log into your account online at hsn.com. Under the FlexPay Manager, you’ll be able to see all of your open payments. I hope this helps!
What is my balance
I want to know balance. Keeps going up and have made no purchase in 2-3 months
@jeaniejulian, you can log into your account online at hsn.com. Under the FlexPay Manager, you’ll be able to see all of your open payments.
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Posted in Customer Service
11 Replies
10.21.24 1:55 PM
10 Participants