Beekman 1802 Christmas 2018
For gosh sakes, will you & the boys please put their Body Cream Ornament Duo from last holiday season (Fig Leaf 631-140 & Oak Moss 631-194) on sale? It’s just been sitting in your inventory, and there is a definite shelf life to this product. I have been watching it, because I wanted to snag a couple more of the ornaments. Even if I used a 20% off coupon, I would still pay $8 more than I would if you put it on sale for what is usually offered for their body cream duos at $36.
I’m sorry @catrheaper. Would you kindly favorite the item by clicking on the heart to the right of the page on This will allow the system to alert you when the price drops. 🙂
*Big Sigh* I have had it in my favorites for quite a while now. Will that actually make you finally put it on sale? Sadly, apparently your answer appears to be no. I will now contact the Beekman Boys directly, since contacting you was a waste of time.
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Posted in Customer Service
3 Replies
11.18.19 2:11 PM
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