What day is craft day June 2020?
Program guide on June 1 and June 2 isn’t showing any craft shows. Sure hope its 5. capped shipping or at least some sort of break on shipping. If not, then sadly I won’t be making any purchases.
After ordering on June 7 the Totally Tiffany set of three cheap vinyl bags, they arrived 30 days latter 7-7 from the main warehouse in Tennessee via USPS Surepost, carton opened on one end, and after more than $100 in shipping charges on craft day orders I paid on June 7. The delivery was 9 days latter than the promised delivery date of 6-29-2020. Today 7-09-2020, HSN has pulled down their online sale of the Anna Griffin die sets for Advent, Twelve Days, Christmas Trees, and Pop-up Pointsetia among others that were available over the weekend. In June HSN did something similar and raised the price $2+ per item on Craft Day after having the items for sale only days before. Shipping is greatly delayed on the new items still online. Shipping is higher than ever. What can we expect from HSN now? Extremely High shipping costs on bulk ships of all craft items, with delayed shipping until after the craft show, even on items online purchased more than a week before craft day. Add poor delivery service via Surepost, and an inventory that does not exist in the fulfillment centers, and can it get worse? Thanks Qurate, for ruining HSN.
I vowed to never buy anything from hsn again after the loss of the $5 shipping, but I had a coupon sent to me in June, multiple use, $5 off items of $20 or more, which either more than covered the shipping or covered most of it, which is the only reason why I bought anything, otherwise I would have waited for months and got them from AG. I bought a few Anna Griffin items, including the poinsettia pop up dies and the festive flourish dies, and everything I ordered, and on different days, was dispatched within a couple of days. The delays of several days more than usual that I had in receiving them were entirely due to the incompetence of UPS. I have never experienced a worse delivery company here or in the UK. UPS take the biscuit.
However, in the usual inimitable style of hsn, there were a couple of other items I would have liked to get, but they cost $19.95, so the coupon didn’t apply and customer service claimed they couldn’t do anything about that. I don’t think I believe that because of previous experience that showed customer service had a lot more power than you might think. The other thing was that, as usual, they didn’t have some of the other new items, like the AG advent card dies, online until a couple of days after the coupon expired. A few days later those most newly added items disappeared again. I don’t really know what they hope to gain by these antics, but I won’t be watching or buying on craft day unless they do free shipping or at least the $5 capped shipping. It’s a bit frustrating to have to wait so long, several months in my experience, for AG to add the items I want to her website, but that’s what I’ll be doing again.
I totally missed the craft day but that’s ok. Without the $5 maximum shipping I don’t really buy anything anymore.
I forgot all about it but wasn’t going to watch it anyway, and I don’t miss it or hsn.
You really didn’t miss anything. Even if they would have had $5 shipping, there wasn’t anything worth watching.
Totally Tiffany is part of Crafter’s Companion now. She’s moving her website to CC. Yes, the TS is a Totally Tiffany cart and they mentioned it’s 2-pack. It’s kinda small and doesn’t look very sturdy to me. You can see it at the very end of the CC broadcast of their HSN preview on their website or on YouTube. They won’t tell you price. I’m not interested and then there’s still the issue with HSN shipping costs.
Just caught Sara a couple of days ago on her own channel selling Totally Tiffany from UK with US$ pricing that was very low priced. I could hardly believe what I was seeing. What does it mean? I am not sure, but I am not a big Totally Tiffany consumer. The quality just is mediocre. And over priced. But from what I could see, the entire TT line was on Crafters Companion site. If TT is the TSV, I will be in shock.
Does anyone know what the today’s special will be?
Just watched CC TV and Sara hinted that the TS is something from Totally Tiffany.
Anna shows the 8th but HSN program schedule says the 5th. Doesn’t matter to me because I’m not interested anymore since they stopped the $5 shipping. Rumor has it that they HSN has no intention on bringing it back at least not the rest of the year. If they do, they have always had the $5 shipping start a day or two before the actual craft day. I’m taking my business elsewhere and getting things cheaper and with free shipping from other retailers.
It is the 8th and not the 5th. I was looking at May’s schedule. Not that it matters because I won’t be watching.
That’s what I’ve been doing. I can’t see myself ever going back to buying from hsn, and I don’t miss watching the craft days, which is all I ever watched. I find the presenters annoying to have to listen to anyway and often switched the volume off and turned it back on when the guest was speaking. I find it hard to believe that there are still a lot of people who get excited about upcoming craft days. It was like throwing cold water on me when they suddenly stopped the $5 shipping. Maybe if they would have realised their mistake immediately and brought it back and even better had free shipping to make up for it there might have been a chance to get me back, but they’ve left it too long now and have not listened and clearly don’t care. There is nothing I have wanted that I haven’t been able to buy elsewhere and get a better deal, even if I have had to sometimes wait for awhile.
8 June, for the west coast starting on 7 June. They lost me back in March when they suddenly took away the capped $5 shipping, and I used to spend a lot. HSN and their craft days don’t even interest me any more, I’ve switched off as soon as I found out there wasn’t any capped shipping and have not bought a thing, but I get emails with product previews from Anna Griffin so I know when they are supposed to be. So far she’s having things that have already been on before.
7.00 shipping on 2 very, very small items? You gotta be kidding me.
You lost another really great customer because of your shipping charges.
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Posted in Crafts & Sewing
15 Replies
07.09.20 10:11 PM
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