Sooooo,,, disappointed!!!
I have been buying craft items at HSN forever. Now I will be very selective as to what I buy. I can buy craft items at any individual website, I don’t need to buy from HSN. What attracted me was the 5.00 shipping. I am a prime member somewhere else and I just cancelled most of my order today and I will purchase the other items that I wanted at the other website. I not only will get free shipping, but I will get the items tomorrow. So there is nothing but the Cricut Joy bundle to attract me today. I hope HSN will rethink this move and go back to the 5.00 shipping.
I totally agree! HSN is losing out on our money because of these shipping charges. My order would be much larger, like $100 larger if the shipping was reasonable but not now. Also this is craft month and they decided to shortchanged us? That’s like a slap in the face! Beauty seems to always have free shipping so why can’t we? I think this decision will make them lose a lot of crafters which makes me sad for the vendors.
I hope everyone can boycott any craft purchases from HSN today. Our dissatisfaction shall not go unnoticed!
I feel that way to. So, I went to Michael’s online and they are having a buy two, get one 1/2 price sale. I can go today and pick it up. No shipping. Yippee. Sometimes you just have to shop around.
I too am exactly like you and feel exactly as you do. Also what good is 5 for 5 with 3.50 per item to ship big mistake at HSN
HSN !ike to say that so many of the craft items are exclusive to them, just look at their website, and maybe a few are, at least temporarily, but I can buy most of the crafting products elsewhere, usually for less money, and I know some websites where I not only don’t have to pay shipping but also no sales tax. I may have to wait awhile before they have the items, but I’m not in any hurry. The $5 shipping was an incentive to buy a lot of things together on the same day and get them within a few days, but without it there is no incentive to buy from HSN at all, at least not for me.
Conversation Info
Posted in Crafts & Sewing
6 Replies
03.03.20 6:20 PM
6 Participants