Help identifying craft table purchase many years ago from HSN
HiAll – Anyone in this group remember when HSN used to have their scrapbooking PJ parties? Well, if you do there was a craft table sold around that time. I still have it and can’t identify the brand. HELP….
It’s a white top with removable folding legs. It has a power strip, ribbon holder, plastic cups (inserted in holes on the top), a tape measure glued to the top and a glue gun holder.
If anyone remembers the brand, sure would appreciate your sharing with me.
Thanks for the suggestions. Much appreciated.
I remember that table but can’t remember what brand it was. Is it possible it was Anna Griffin? Was she on back then? Probably not. I can’t remember.
I tried looking some up on YouTube but was not getting any hits of this particular one. Wish I could help.
Are you able to go back in your account & view all or most of your purchases? And search under the item # at HSN. com?
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Posted in Crafts & Sewing
4 Replies
04.05.23 8:09 PM
3 Participants