CRAFTERS……Please read……
Please cancel all your orders! Do not pay $5.00+ on s/h! Especially when they ship most of your orders in one box. Just saying……it’s wrong. So many of us especially senior citizens look so forward to 24hr Craft Day! Going to go to Joanns, Michaels, Hobby Lobby and use their coupons.
Behold… new craft day approaching…
I also did not buy a single item on crsft day which hasn’t happened in years. When the shipping cost is almost half the price of the item its too much. Especially when they ship it a) in one box. I noticed since QVC took over all the shipping went up on everything with hardly ever any free shipping. When you have to pay it up front and it’s not spred out over the flex pay it makes a huge chunk to pay. QVC wentto this type shipping charges a couple years ago and I stopped buying from them. They at least spread out the cost over the glex pays but still doesn0t help the total cost.
I was totally caught off guard. I ended up buying 2 items for $5.50 shipping each. I really thought that it was a mistake and that I would call the next day and straighten it out. Then I found out it was not a mistake. I’m glad I didn’t do my usual $100’s of dollars damage. Something told me not to let the shipping go into the $50 range which it did when I had my cart filled. I’m done with HSN. I agree with everyone here that we can go to the vendors themselves.
Yesterday I was watching a video by VianneyCreates in which she complained to HSN and they refunded her whole shipping charge. I called myself and they did the same for me. So try calling if you got caught and they may have learned their lesson. I think I am still done. If I never buy another craft item I will probably die with unused stuff. Over and Out on HSN!
This is the last items I will buy from HSN. It was fun while it lasted. I couldn’t cancel, because my order went to “packaging” right away (has been there for the entire craft day as I ordered right after midnight) I honestly, didn’t see the 10 dollar shipping charge for two items. When I figured that out, it was too late to cancel. What also dissapointed me is the sales tactics. They went to we are sold out on the joy bundles, to we found a few more, then sold out again and now, they have more in stock, but more expensive. So that’s it for me. It’s a matter of principle. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
I’m so dumb!! I spent $28 on shipping!! 😠If this is the new shipping policy, I will also stop shopping on craft day!! Too bad because I love my HSN crafts and craft day!! As I data analyst, it would be interesting to know if the reduced sales and increased shipping costs netted HSN a wider profit margin!!
The least they could have done was , as you said they ship it to you in as few boxes as possible was to have a price per amount spent example $5.00 for every $100 spent etc. not per item, they made a giant boo boo here
Just a heads up……..Check Amazon and Amazon Prime FREE SHIPPING lots of Cricut Joy items in stock. Check for other crafting things too.
Can join the club on “get the $5 fill your cart back pronto” team!!! I called a rep because I thought they just hadn’t changed their headers yet, she checked with a supervisor who told her Nope!
So instead of buying my usual 25-30 items this round I bought 3 and only did that because I had a coupon that covered this shipping charges. Really made me lose interest too as the shipping charges here make little sense anyway. 1 item ships for $5.50, 3 items ship for 3.50 huh?…and in the vendor’s boxes so not a lot of extra effort was required there!
In this day of $25 to $75 orders being shipped for free, HSN has stayed in the past on this issue. And the $75 orders I’m speaking about are from the UK, air shipped to the US and I receive my order with a week!!!
So I don’t mind shopping there for sure!
Please Wake UP HSN!!!! Shipping charges are a big deal to crafter’s, and they are a deal breaker too! -
last word left out above DUMB!
I’m adding other complaints because there were several things wrong today.
What bothered me most was the manipulation (read: lies) about the Today’s Special “sell out.” There was the constant announcement of sell out; then the “we sold out in that configuration; here it is in a different configuration;” then finally “We searched and searched and found more..” PULEEZE. If you believed this “sell-out,” HSN has a bridge to sell you. And what was “Crafting with Suzanne” all about? Nothing new there but disappointment.. Clearly someone new is in charge of crafting at HSN, and that sly creature thinks we’re .-
I don’t think that’s anything new. They always want to create a sense of urgency to buy before things sell out. I take whatever they say with a huge dollop of salt. They are the most hard sell company I have ever seen.
I also thank HSN for saving me a ton of money do to the outrageous shipping costs. So much for customer appreciation! Always looked forward to craft days until now. HSN can keep their crafts. RIP off. I hope all crafters boycott HSN.
Didn’t order a thing today. Too much shipping
for everything to be sent in one box. -
I NEVER thought I wouldn’t buy absolutely nothing on “Craft Day” but I didn’t today! And pretty proud of myself. I didn’t die or melt or have a heart attack 🤪
It was a great feeling and I think a new trend for me. God knows I have plenty and don’t need to spend hundreds like I normally would.-
It was such a freeing feeling not to buy a thing today. I usually spend hundreds, but it felt better not to.
I like to “Thank” HSN today for saving me from charging anymore on my credit card due to your not offering free or at least $5 shipping for my purchases. Really? Most crafters are on limited incomes….what in marketing forgot about this. I did manage to spend $20 only because I had $5 Kash from a return that actually cost me $15 to return because it was too big for me to tote down to the UPS office myself and had to pay to have them pick it up. (So much for your free returns policy…right?) So I used that so-called rebate to cover the cost of some adhesive that was on clearance….hopefully it hasn’t been lying in your warehouse forever and is still usable.
There were many items I would have loved to have purchased today on flex pay, but not for items shipped in the same box at astronomical shipping costs. So thanks for smacking me back to reality and reminding me that I already have a boat load of unused craft items from other sale days to use up. Hey…keep this policy up for the next 3 months and I’ll get that card paid off real quick and won’t bother wasting my time watching your show. I’ll just go buy what I want directly from your vendors…who offer free shipping over a certain dollar value!
I’d also like to thank hsn for saving me so much money today. It’s not as though I need another thing. I’ve got enough stuff to open a shop and really must make better use of what I already have instead of adding more to it. I wasn’t even tempted. I was so disgusted about no $5 shipping that I switched off the channel, but before I did that I was completely unmoved by even the things I had wanted to buy.
Agree completely! Canceled my order.
Conversation Info
Posted in Crafts & Sewing
23 Replies
03.17.20 1:52 PM
17 Participants