Confusion between Knitting and Crochet
HSN has begun selling Hooked Aamigurumi animals. They state “…Add stuffing and you’re on your way to crocheting cuties.” Aamigurumi is always done with crochet, yet the page title, the breadcrumbs, and table of contents all refer to knitting, not crochet. I let them know the other night in a chat session and it hasn’t been corrected yet. When you scroll across the page past the other available animals, there is also a set of knitting needles where there should be crochet hooks instead. They missed that also…..knitting needles and crochet hooks. That is where they got the name.
WOW…..I don’t know why all the ugliness with the comments. I was just posting a comment about crocheting and knitting. My grandmother called crocheting “knitting” She was from another country. I sure don’t see why there was such negativity with my post. I guess someone could be wrong, You could have made a post that maybe just maybe I was wrong with my information. Also I’m not a youngster…….Im in my 70’s. I don’t think my post was “CONDESCENDING OR DISRESPECTFUL. It was just a comment.
Hi beccalee67. Thanks so much. I don’t understand HSN not wanting to correct it. I just did a search for crochet…..the animals are not listed there.
Yeah it just doesn’t make any sense not to correct it. Crocheters aren’t finding these kits so HSN is not reaching the crochet community to sell any of them!
Thank you so much beccalee67, and I’m so sorry sherryrose, I didn’t see your response until just now. I’m not usually so disrespectful but I thought the response was very condescending. And I’ll be 72 in May so I guess we know more than these youngin’s…I’m just assuming they couldn’t possibly think like that unless they just didn’t know better. I really was just trying to help and they were selling knitting needles as an extra and not the crochet hooks. Why did they call the kits “Hooked,” if it’s not crochet. Wonder if they’ll edit the page….they might just remove me. But thank you again ladies…it’s been a pleasure. p.s…..a crochet is included with each kit….no knitting needles…..just sayin!
You are welcome, Crochet-Hooker! You weren’t being disrespectful, just being honest as to how you truly felt. 🙂
What a cop-out. I can’t believe you would respond with “In some countries…” This isn’t some country. This is the U.S. and it is called crochet here. I could go find you tons of links that show the difference but it appears that HSN just wants to be right……well you couldn’t be more wrong. Hope this helps.
Hi from Texas, Crochet-Hooker!! Well said! I am a 76-year old crocheter for many years. Knitting is done with 2 “knitting needles,” crochet is done with 1 “crochet hook!” I was not even aware that HSN had amigurumi CROCHET kits; possibly because they have not listed them properly as such?! 🙂
In some countries……..crocheting is known as “Knitting.” Hope this helps. On YouTube you will find some of the “crocheting” videos will state “knitting.”
Nope, chrocheting is not known as knitting in other countries.
Yes it is
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Posted in Crafts & Sewing
10 Replies
1 month ago
5 Participants