CC Ultimate Card Making Kit Auto Ship
Has anyone else received the January shipment? Maybe I didn’t understand correctly. I was expecting another color wheel etc., what I got was 50 mini dies and that’s it. If this is the AS I’ll be canceling FAST. NOT what I wanted and I have no use for this. First time I’ve been disappointed with CC. Hoping this was a mistake.
I got mine also and remember her talking about how you would get a new color wheel and paper with each shipment to go with the seasons and the boxes they had lined up that day were just like the first one just different colors
Yes, I received mine today also and was shocked how little I got with this AS. Only very small dies, nothing else. Not worth it. I will be canceling.
Hi RetiredLady. While I did not subscribe to this giant compendium box, nor the autoships, I seem to recall pretty vividly, (since it aired so many times that day) that the first autoship was just the massive amounts of dies, designed to fit into the little manual mini machine. The future authorships 4 or 5 more? Can’t recall, all come with the new colorwheels, and coordinating papers, etc. You should what the video of the aired presentation again, and perhaps that will confirm my thoughts, and comfort you on the follow up auto ships. Hope this helps!
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Posted in Crafts & Sewing
5 Replies
02.04.20 12:11 AM
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