I saved this to my phone and to my pictures folder. I am going to put it on my desktop. Thank you so much. I hope you did not over do the hot dogs and burgers. Be well, Luelue.
Wow, luelue–what a nice compliment! Glad you liked
it that much! 🙂 Thanks! And hope you had a great holiday,
as well. 🙂 JollyJelly
This is fantastic JollyJellly. Have you been drawing a lot over the past couple of months?
Hi, Velveteen Rabbit–yes, I’ve been drawing more than usual,
to take my mind off some stuff that’s been going on
(my big brother passed away at end of March–they
couldn’t get him a liver transplant in time.) He was
a very good, kind person–with a big sense of humor.I am hoping to one day get my cartoons popular, so maybe
it can lead to something where they can help me raise
money for liver and thyroid disease research (Jordan had
both, and thyroid runs all over our family.) We need
better treatments for these illnesses, so I’m hoping maybe
Crafting Cat will help with this. I need to try, anyway……JollyJelly -
I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. I love your drawings of the cats
and I look forward to them every crafting event. You are talented and I hope
the cats will take you far. 😘💕Blessings. 🌹
Thank you so much, Sheba. I always appreciate your
support and very kind words. I just wish I knew how to
make Crafting Cat turn into something where it really
could make a difference in raising funds for those illnesses…I hope I can figure out something, soon. I’ll keep trying,
and thank so much, again. Blessings to you, as well. JollyJelly
Hope you guys enjoy this, and that you’re having a good
holiday weekend! 🙂 JollyJelly-
Glad you liked it, fbn135! 🙂 And your little cat is
very cute! 🙂 Hope you had a nice holiday! JollyJelly -
Thanks, Sheba! 🙂 Hope you’re having a great holiday
weekend, as well! 🙂 JollyJelly
Conversation Info
Posted in Crafts & Sewing
12 Replies
07.09.20 6:19 PM
5 Participants