Why all the extended deliveries?
I recently purchased the Bzees TS Daisy shoe on 2/20. It is still on extended delivery. Awhile ago, I purchased a Patricia Nash TS clutch only to have the ordered canceled after 45 days. What’s with that? Todays’s TS, Iman’s bootcut jean is also on extended delivery. Never saw this happen as much as lately.
And same with Essential 1 from Lessman. They promise and don’t have the financial means to deliver? In my opinion HSN might be in bad shape.
I was surprised to see my choco-nuvo order will be delivered on the last day of May! They will probably be melted at that time.
I could drive to Nevada & back in a day, so don’t understand why the TSV for early April has such an extended delivery. I guess they didn’t make enough batches – it is the last offer of choco-nuvo for the season –
Hoping they are packaged in cool containers – I sure don’t want 360 pieces of melted chocolate at the prices being charged.
I have two items on extended delivery. I hope they don’t get cancelled (unless I make that decision).
UPS Surepost is, indeed a nightmare. I dread seeing that my purchases will be handled by that delivery service. Thank goodness I have honest neighbors who received my items in error and gave them to me. Ordered June 8th, but didn’t ship until July 1 ? That is truly ridiculous customer service not to mention the rest of your nightmare with this purchase. I have 2 orders now in “packaging” and It’s too late to cancel them. Maybe I’ll see them around Christmas?????
And if extended delivery isn’t bad enough, on the West Coast I-5 corridor, UPS is now halting delivery in route in California due to summer temperatures that are quite normal because of usual higher temps. All of Oregon and Washington are now normal, and no higher than mid-80s daytime and high 50s nighttime. On I-5 , UPS mostly rolls at night. What is the hang-up right now? Ah yes, UPS Surepost, HSN’s preferred class of shipping that is an endless nightmare.
Case in point. I ordered June 8th a card kit that had $5.50 plus tax of shipping on it. It shipped July 1 from Piney Flats, TN. It halted in CA after leaving Vernon to La Mirada CA with the unforeseen difficulties due to ?? Suddenly, it appears in Portland, Oregon then in Redmond WA yesterday July 11. It’s now sitting being processed to go to my nearby USPS post office who will probably refuse to deliver and send it back to UPS. If I am lucky, the Package, no doubt not in a shipping box, will arrive two days from now at UPS and they will deliver to my house. But if I am not lucky, my post office will send it back to Oregon which happened recently on another package. At best, I count 36 days from order to delivery, but more likely closer to 40 days. The kit will be stuffed into my postal stand a third of a mile from my house, and the damage will be evident. All the while, I have another small package, not extended delivery, sitting on hold by UPS. I paid $11 plus tax shipping for two small folios coming on UPS Surepost.
Craftmas Day on HSN begins tonight. Normally, I would order thousands of dollars of product. A huge amount of that would be shipping UPS Surepost. I am very close to buying nothing.
Once again stores have reopened and there is no need to shop online. I like to get my purchases when I buy them and not have to wait for them. Also when I consider shipping charges or returns it just doesn’t make sense. To each their own preference.
I’m noticing once again that the TS, Iman’s maxi dress is on extended delivery today. I’m also noticing that some of my orders remain in packaging longer than usual. Maybe HSN can’t get more help? Maybe people don’t want to work? Funny how those questions come up with no answers.
Covid is causing delays. Many of the factories have been working with reduce staff.
I ordered some dish towels from Amerimark and it took me 2 months to get them.
They were on delayed delivery when I placed the order.
Even the Tweak guy mentioned yesterday that it’s been hard getting products in a timely fashion due to Covid.
If it’s on extended deliveries I won’t buy it. I find it to be odd. If it isn’t in stock why sell it?
This conversation was started 2 months ago and I just want to say delivery is STILL SLOW as heck. I’ve almost stopped ordering because I wait so long for my purchases to arrive. Is it Covid that is slowing things down so badly? I just know I get so impatient. When things are processing for weeks at a time, is it really processing or they just don’t have the merchandise?
I wonder if sometimes they’re not sure about demand so make less initially and plan to make more if needed.
It could be the freeze we experienced 3 weeks ago. I know my area (Texas) was hard hit and deliveries were slow.
I guess they are having things arrive on time and/or perhaps slowdown clearing customs. I have had extended delivery even on Andrew Lessman products which are domestic.
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Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
14 Replies
05.01.23 11:47 PM
11 Participants