TS…Officially Licensed NFL Rise Silk Touch Throw Blanket
Dear Northwest,
PLEASE stop with the GIGANTIC graphics that are for wall art or billboards. Give us a throw with multiple, much smaller helmets and logos. The designs are always SO big, that when you use the throw, you don’t/can’t even see the helmet or design. And when I use previous versions on my bed, the designs at the top get covered by pillows. Looks like this version would have the same happen because the team name is right up in the top corner.
Do a redesign.
Pipman, a shout out to you. Hoping you are having a great Thanksgiving. Miss you in trivia. On another note, that is why I do not purchase the throws. Glad you spoke up-.
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Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
2 Replies
11.27.20 12:51 AM
2 Participants