Today’s Special Value
Does HSN have a calendar that shows what the Today’s Special Value is? If so, where can I find it. Thank you
on your remote click guide. scroll to 12:00and you will see curtis stone, Wolfgang puck, Jay king, andrew leaman each night at 12:00
Collen will have TSV on the 25th of June and Iman will have TSV on the 27 of June
As you go to program guide there is a symbol of a calendar and if you hit the symbol it will bring up the whole month but as the other person just said it will only tell you if its fashion cooking or whoever it’s going to be. I do it all the time just to see if I will watch that day
If you go to the Program Guide under watch it will only tell you whether it is electronics, DG, Outdoor. Around 9 pm or 10 pm you can check back with the Program Guide and look at the 12 am for the following day it will usually show the items coming up. The first one is usually the TSV. I do not believe they have a listing for the entire month. It goes day by day and has as long as I have been a customer. However, sometimes a host will hint at something coming up.
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Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
6 Replies
07.12.20 6:50 PM
5 Participants