Removal of Soldout Clearance Items
I am so tired of having to scroll through clearance items that have been sold out for weeks and even months. DG2 used to be 5 pages of inventory. Now it is up to 7 with all the sell outs. Same with other vendors. Also, I don’t appreciate the “As-Is” items. These should be listed in a separate category (in my opinion). It seems to give the entire website a “tackier” image. Is this the image the parent company of HSN and QVC wants to portray
This is super frustrating. I’ve begun leaving clearance after a page or two of sold out items. It just makes no sense to have to scroll to find something that is still available. Once in a while an item that HSN has not sold for at least seven years shows up – a Cervelle skirt!!
Not a 100% sure of this, but I have found if I select ‘See All’ and leave the other one on ‘recommended’ that the sold-out items sort to the bottom. Personally, I would like a ‘Best Value’ button that sorts items by the % off.
Happy dragon, I think you maybe on to something about the “sort.” I never have to wade through sold out items because they always appear at the very bottom of all available items. I imagine if they are showing up all willie-knilly, that could be frustrating. I typically use my phone or tablet and I’ve never had to sort. My items just normally display all available items with sold-out items being last on page.
There are things on Imans’ page that have been sold out for two years. All I can figure is a bunch of rookies work at d.o.t.c.o.m. Typical. HSN employee turnover has always been high.
I absolutely hate it when I click on a vendor and it says 6 pages, only to find out that 2 of those page are sold out. I stop there, I don’t want to see what I could have bought.
I’ve always enjoyed checking out the latest offerings from my favorite vendors, such as DG2 and Joan Boyce, by selecting to view all the items sorted by Newest, or sorted by Price low to high. It would be helpful not to have to sift through As Is and Sold Out items – it’s a waste of my time since I have no interest in seeing these. A filter for Hide As-is and Soldout would certainly make the shopping experience more pleasant for me and more likely that I’ll find something to purchase.
I think they keep sold out items in order for us to be able to add to our favorite list. When we do this we receive alerts as when the product is back in. This probably also helps them to find out what items should be re-ordered based on demand.
Usually when an item is put on clearance (not sale) it will not be reordered. Maybe there should be a time limit put on the appearance of these sold out items like 30 to 45 days.
Conversation Info
Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
9 Replies
08.24.19 6:53 PM
7 Participants