How do you get spendable cash or coupons?? I want some coupons! Lol
Hi shorty. If you have the HSN card or the one from QVC and their other ratail places on line you will receive coupons in your e-mail as well as some spendable kash. When you return an item they sometimes will give you a choice as to whether to credit your card or to use the refund as spendable kash. Other times. after you sigh in, a coupon appears above. Also, if you Microsoft Edge they sometimes offer a coupon when you use them as one of your browsers and you use this to sign into HSN. There are other websites that offer coupons for HSN, but for some reason that escapes me. Maybe some in Community who reads this will offer some help in this area. Being that this is Customer Appreciation month, you will probably see many ways to save.
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Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
2 Replies
04.15.22 2:09 AM
2 Participants