"As Is" birthday offers
Wondering why so many of the birthday surprise offers are listed as ‘as is’. Guessing they’re mostly returns and HSN doesn’t want us to be TOO surprised when we receive them.
I have ordered several as is items from HSN they were all great. I would not hesitate based on my experience.
QVC is another story any as is I purchased there was sent back. One item I purchased was 5 pairs of socks sold together. It was more than obvious 2 pairs were worn they smelled it was gross and disgusting.
I ordered and received 3 pair of DG2 Jeans and there wasn’t a flaw to be had…. the discounted price was great!
Probably show display items. I just took advantage of free shipping and discounted price on Patricia Nash phone crossbody and ordered two colors.
Conversation Info
Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
4 Replies
03.25.21 5:00 PM
3 Participants