Wei East
I bought my eye alive and the moonlight recover cream in the white lotus line. Now we need the white lotus cleanser. I can’t wait to receive everything. This line has been missed for 10 yrs.
Eyes Alive still based in petroleum, not for me !!!!
YUP! I won’t use it.
The first ingredient in most products is water, because the rest of the ingredients are dehydrated. Dehydration allows for more control and consistency.
Check out Skinn Cosmetics… no water as the first ingredient.
I’m using Skinns pep40 serum and cream and the algae oil and cream and I still have issues.I actually bought her Lotus cream and the eyes alive to try..Not thrilled with a few ingredients but if those herbs do what they say I can live with it..I eat all organic foods including organic grass fed beef and no junk so my body can handle it.
Her hand cream was the BEST. Wish it would come back.
I agree with you. Wei’s hand and body lotion was the best.
too many chemicals in her product. Check the ingredients. By the way first thing is water..
Skinn cosmetics are fantastic… all pure.-
Its the herbs she uses that probably give the results people like.One of a kind.
Missed for sure, and I miss her – the lovely founder of this product line.
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Posted in Beauty
11 Replies
9 hours ago
7 Participants