Skinn Cosmetics
Since transferring from Evine, Dimitri’s prices has skyrocketed and product sizes have diminished. In addition, many of the products have been discontinued. How can I continue to receive some of my favorites?
Skinn on Evine always had great deals and the kits made wonderful gifts or just try outs of new products. WHAT HAPPENED?? SO DISAPPOINTED…
I agree with you all. I too have went to ebay to buy Skinn items. I will not pay the prices that they are asking for one item. I bought some hand cream I needed badly for had run out. It was 2 hand creams but they were very small. and for $35. I miss what we used to have on Evine. Thankfully I did stock up a lot but can’t see myself buying much at the prices being ask and only one item. I too don’t know how he will be able to stay on HSN…. for I am reading a lot of us are unhappy. So few products being offered now for it seems to be the same products being offered each month. .
I buy all my high end cosmetics on Ebay, just be sure seller has great feedback, and if the items come sealed on TV and in stores, make sure it is sealed on Ebay. PayPal offers a 100% guarantee, so if there is an issue you get a refund right away. I have bought many Skinn items on Ebay.
Agree…Also if unsure about exp date, compare product packaging to what is being sold on website or shopping channel.
I know its frowned upon because you dont know if product is fresh, but sometimes I purchase from ebay …there is no way I would pay full price on a single item on his website or HSN. Thats why his kits were so popular. At this rate, I cant see him staying on.
Conversation Info
Posted in Beauty
6 Replies
06.13.19 8:44 AM
5 Participants