Signature Club A
I absolutely love Adrienne..she’s truly iconic, and, I like most of the products. However, not only are the models much younger and more attractive than in years past, they positively GLOW after applying her creams and/or products. I can’t say I have EVER experienced that, whatsoever. Having said that, I do love this iconic beauty doyenne and “most” of her comprehensive product line. I miss some which have been discontinued. She looks amazing, but of course, she can afford the very best of EVERYTHING.
I like her products. Her ingredients work beautifully for me. In re “fillers:” Botox is a filler widely used to good effect, as are other fillers in cosmetics.
Oh, I think she looks AMAZING! However, were all aware that isn’t because of the products, but, excellent plastic surgeons and dermatologists. No matter to me…she is an absolute LEGEND. My mom spoke to me about her when I was just a teenager; now, I’m only a decade younger than Adrienne. Imagine! Whatever she’s doing, keep doing it, Adrienne. A wonderful role model for us women of a certain age! ♥️
She does look great for 83 and dresses so beautifully. but her products lack quality ingredients, loaded with fillers and sub par ingredients.
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Posted in Beauty
4 Replies
2 months ago
3 Participants