SCA Supersize Meltdown Pump
I had this new pump bottle for over a year it seems, sealed and waiting to use up my other jars of the SCA Meltdown. Boy was it hard to get the pump activated! I saw many reviews and after messing with it for 10 minutes, using a rubber tourniquet to stabilize the pump mechanisn, I finally figured it out. You have to tighten the lower bottom of the pump mechanism that sits right on top of the product bottle. Tighten it very strongly; it may have gotten loose when the product bottle was sealed in the outer wrapping. Then, go to the top of the pump, that portion which dispenses the product and start turning it counter clockwise….it may take several “spins” but keep on and eventually the pump portion will pop up and then you can prime the pump to start dispensing product. Hope this helps. I have used this product for several years and absolutely love the SCA meltdowns. The “flavor” I received was the Peaches and Cream. SCA really needs to do a better job on the pump itself. It needs tweaking. So happy it is now working fine!
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08.26.21 1:44 AM
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