Ordering skin care products and the corona virus
I was wondering if people feel it is safe to order skin care products from companies in New York and California right now due to the corona virus as they are hot spots for this at the moment. I was thinking about ordering a product from a company based in New York City and now I am not sure. I am just wondering how other people feel about this issue.
I can’t imagine product being made anywhere in the world and shipped anywhere in the US is not safe to use. I have to believe the factory workers everywhere adhere to aseptic technique when they make and package these cosmetics. Of course, it’s smart to sanitize your cardboard boxes before you handle them.
I am not worried about U.S. made products, as this virus has been in every state for weeks now and that is apparent now with the increased testing. I am more worried about getting products from China due to the virus. I also do not want to buy anything else from China if I can help it. I would rather help support American workers. I do wish the home shopping vendors would consider moving their production to the U.S. Products used to be cheaper if they were made in China but not any longer. Valarie Parr Hill on QVC has all of her products made there and they are quite expensive. I might add that I sanitize everything coming into the house, including the mail.
I would worry more, if it said “manufactured or packaged in China”. No way of telling then if it is safe, while if it was here in the US, at least there are guidelines and safety measures we know they have in place.
I sanitize the packaging on everything, not just from California and New York, that comes in from the house. I suspect the contents of the skincare items and most things we buy were manufactured before the outbreak of the disease. In fact, retailers are having trouble restocking items because of delays in the manufacturing pipeline due to the disease. I’ve been more concerned about outer packaging than what’s inside the bottles or boxes, and I will spray the outside of any plastic item with bleach (diluted with water). I do this before opening the inner packaging.
The implication from your question is that you think products made in California or NY are dangerous but not those manufactured elsewhere. I think that’s a mistake. There are people with the virus in your own state and likely your town. That’s the nature of a pandemic. I live in Minnesota, and we have cases here. Our numbers are lower than most of the nation, but then only the seriously ill can get tested. The actual infection rates are far higher than the daily stats reveal.
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Posted in Beauty
5 Replies
04.01.20 1:18 AM
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