I think it’s a shame customers are bashing Dimitri James
Really how sad is it as a human being to say not nice things about the appearance of a vendor. Skinn cosmetics has been delivering high quality products for years and all I see is people putting in their nasty opinions on Dimitri appearance. Did no one ever teach you if you have nothing nice to say say nothing! Personally I love Skinn cosmetics and appreciate all the hard work Dimitri James puts into his products!!
I’ve used Dimitri’s products in the past, and they’re fine. In those days on Evine, he used himself as an example of their effectiveness. I found less expensive products I liked as well, and haven’t purchased his products since. I don’t often see him these days. If he is now saying his products are responsible for results that are obviously the result of surgery, that’s unfair. But if you criticize his product because you don’t like his looks (because of obvious surgery or not), that’s unfair too. You could also be cheating yourself out of good products.
Yes agree! His products really are good quality and he knows what he’s talking about 💯…. as far as how far he’s gone with surgeries, we also don’t know what he’s personally dealing with as far as issues or insecurities(rational or not) that may compel him to get procedures. Either way that is his choice. I do know I have seen good results with his products☺️ & he always seems very kind to the hosts and models.
Agree 100%! I like Dimitri a lot and think he is a very kind person towards the hosts, models & customers. I don’t think he needed to have all the plastic surgery but it’s his face, not mine and if it makes him feel better about himself that is all that matters. Most of all, I love the efficacy of many of the Skinn products, especially the neck/décolleté cream – Neck Amour. I use it every night and it has kept my 72 yr old neck/décolleté looking much firmer & smoother than most of my friends who are the same age.. 😉 I will never be without that product. In fact I’d like a giant jar of it for my whole body! 😁 Thank you Dimitri!
Yes sign me up a giant jar of that too!🙋♀️😅
It’s unfair to state that those who have a face lift or facial procedures shouldn’t sell cosmetics or skin care. Skin care can help you clean, take off makeup, and preserve actual skin while a face lift is completely different. Dimitri you do you and enjoy your life.
I like his products but he’s starting to look ridiculous. There is something to be said for aging gracefully.
I agree with the original poster. Stop bashing the guy. Most baby boomers and genXers, myself included are fighting the aging process. I would like to see how some of the bashers actually look behind their computer screens. Dimitri gives good advice on application of his products. Years ago, using his products saved my skin. Unfortunately, as I age, I can no longer use Skinn. I tend to change my skincare every 5 years as my skin changes.
I’m not going to bash him, however, when I get a message that an autoship ordered has extended delivery while they show the same item available but at twice the price, one has to wonder who exactly is responsible for making that decision. If it’s HSN, shame on them. If it’s Dimitri, how sad. I don’t care what he’s had done either. Just silly to deny it though.
shame on you!!!!
Shame on who? All of us giving our opinions? What’s wrong with that?
I have been watching Dimitri and Skinn since he was on Evine and then came to HSN and he has always been honest about his age and his looks. He mentioned that he was going bald in the back and said he had to have a hair weave done. His skin has always been smooth and wrinkle-free. I personally like his modern updated look and his products are top-shelf and priced affordably.
Many celebrities and people in the public eye are taking ozempic to lose weight. Then they get “Ozempic face” where their face loses a lot of fat from quick weight loss and they need plastic surgery and filler to plump it back up. Dimiti is 60 years old. He looks younger and whoever did the work on his face did a great job. Look at Amy, the host, she started filler young. I believe in good skin and have used Tatcha, Lancome, and Dior and it really has given me beautiful skin, but after 60 you cannot achieve looking younger without some help from facial filler and botox. No matter what you use, or how much sun screen ( I am not a sun person), time and gravity makes us lose collagen that cannot be put back by products, no matter what anybody tells you. You can still enjoy someone products, but need to realize you will not get his results.
I love love love him and his products. I don’t care for all the work he has done but different strokes for different folks. As long as he’s happy with his looks that’s all that counts.
Well I have to admit he’s a tad hard to look at. He looked just fine before he decided to change his look. Should have left everything alone and aged gracefully. Because we all know his skincare line had nothing to do with his new look.
He is hard to look at!… Soon his name will be “Dimi” 😉
It is really strange to us common folk how often people in front of the camera get work done on their face…even in their 40s. They don’t look better just strange and yet people keep doing it. I don’t know if it is botox or what but I have seen people look 20 years younger but it is very temporary. Then they get a face lift which looks horrible. Even a lot of the hosts on these shopping channels get work done.
I agree, no need to be harsh or insensitive. And of course yes he has had lots of work obviously. BUT, I do believe he maintains his skin also by using good products. And he knows really good products. Its obvious he’s very passionate about skin care and knows his stuff. I know that when I use his products, my skin always looks better and improves! ☺
Come on be serious, he looks like a teenager.And,it’s not from his products!Are they good, YES!
But, not for the results he’s achieved.I know many people that lost weight and now they’re wrinkled more and have tons of hanging skin. You don’t look better aging without maintaining
Period! I know because I’m aging! LOL -
I can’t wear Skinn products due to the perfume in most of his products. I have sensitive skin.
I don’t know what people are saying about Dimitrii for i don’t follow this often. But his looks have changed. I do believe due to the fact he has lost weight. But if he has had a little work done so be it. I love all Skinn cosmetics products and have used most of them. The weight loss will give you a makeover and change your looks. As will a weight gain. Be gentle everyone. I have used his products for years and discovered him on Evine.
I don’t think anyone is “bashing” Dimitri. Customers are giving their opinions and that is all.
If you are on tv, it is perfectly normal that some people will not think you are the greatest thing on earth. Different opinions are what makes blogs fun to read! I’m sure Dimitri is not worried about it. As long as he keeps making millions of dollars on HSN what does he care what anyone says about him?
Conversation Info
Posted in Beauty
60 Replies
5 days ago
46 Participants