Entirely too much cosmetic surgery!!
Please let’s give credit where credit is due. Amazing skin care that is science based! But Dimitri has over done the cosmetic surgery thing. I am older than him, and I do understand that you can miss your youth. But someone or maybe his own decision has created a scary version of his younger self.
I am trying to figure out what he decided to undertaker. But the bottom line is it is simply “None of Our Business” !!! I have some of the rudest neighbors that don’t know when to quit asking me the most personal questions. So I have compassion for Dimitri. We need to buy or don’t buy anything… and keep our comments to ourselves!!!
If what he is doing makes him feel better about himself and he likes what he sees when he looks in the mirror, then that’s all that matters.
This! Everyone has opinions and you can’t please everyone.
Do what makes you happy and live your life.
If everyone started keeping their opinions to themselves, this HSN forum would not exist!
I do agree that what each person does with their body is their choice, no argument there. My issue is there are ethical exceptions to someone making statements about beauty products they are selling and claiming those products are responsible for their youthful appearance. That is misleading and unethical (Dimitri is not that only person at HSN/QVC that has done or is doing this). At least when Joan Rivers had her surgeries, she was open about it and even included it her comedy routines (mad respect for JR!). All of that being said, I stopped buying beauty products from HSN 2-3 years ago and quit QVC completely MANY years ago. I simply do not trust any beauty statements from any of them.
This comment about Dimitri keeps reappearing. It’s obvious why it keeps appearing, but no one is vulgar enough to say so. Just lay off Dimitri. Buy his products or don’t. But stop with these comments about his appearance. Who knows how the person/people starting these threads themselves look. I suggest s/he/they look in the mirror and repeat, “This is the 21st century, not 1950.”
Conversation Info
Posted in Beauty
7 Replies
3 days ago
7 Participants