Dimitri James
I love Dimitri I have been using his products for years & years
He always looks great. He is beautiful,gorgoui, & handsome on the outside & inside. It’s so refreshing to watch him on TV or social mediaGod bless
Dont know what happened earlier in the evening but Dimitri was on with Debbie D in the 11 PM hour last night. You can watch the TS presentation with Dimitri and Deb if you go to the product page of the TS, the price will still be TS price for 2 more days.
Ok, good to know!
I went back and watched the 2-3 PM show and saw where Dimitri was very surprised that he wasn’t on the full hour. I imagine he got upset and didn’t come back the rest of the day! Not sure what else could of happened. Initially I thought maybe he became ill but he seemed ok. The show was titled like “summer beauty finale” or something so one would think he was aware it wasn’t his product line alone because those shows are always titled just” Skinn cosmetics”.
How were you able to go back and watch that 2pm show? I’d like to go back and look at it too!
on the program guide there are ‘watch now’ links after it has aired
O ok great, thank you!
I caught a couple of his shows. He said he was on Tiktok and gave his handle @realDimitryJames and gave helpful hints to get the best result and a micro needling pen he likes. He’s always chatty and informative.
Correction: misspelled Dimitri’s first name.
They ended his 3pm show early, at 3:30. Came as a surprise to him. Lynn said they were done and Dimitri commented that it was only 3:30 and they were on until 4pm. He was confused, then they cut to an ad and when she came back, she was presenting Tan Luxe, no sign of Dimitri and none of his remaining shows have aired. The time slots have all been different brands. Something is up.
O wow
Yes love Skinn products! I saw him on last night and again this morning with Valerie! He was in studio…. not sure why he hasn’t been on tonight unless maybe the TS sold out?! Would be unusual but I guess it could happen
I just ordered the TSV from Skinn. I hope everything is ok.
Where is Skinn tonight?????
wondering the same thing
today he a has a todays special and i havent seen him on all day he had shows scheduled but other brands were featured not sure why
Conversation Info
Posted in Beauty
16 Replies
07.02.24 1:10 PM
8 Participants