Colleen Lopez's pronunciation
Will someone please tell Colleen Lopez when she speaks about hair “roots”, that the word is pronounced with the “long 0” and not a “short u”.
She says the word Roots as Ruts. So very incorrect and annoying.
“If you’ve stayed in one place for your entire life, then you might not even know that there’s more than one way to pronounce the word “roof.” But surprisingly, there are actually two common ways to pronounce this four-letter word. While people born and raised in the West tend to pronounce the word as if it rhymes with “hoof,” those from the East see it as rhyming with “poof.””
wait… what?? “hoof” doesn’t rhyme with “poof?” LOL
Mary knows hoof doesn’t rhyme with poof. She’s saying that, depending where you live, you pronounce roof either rhyming with hoof OR poof.
I have a feeling the way CL pronounces roots would bother a word master, but not everyone. If it bothered me that much I just would turn the channel. I have heard her say ruts, I think it’s folksy sounding coming from such an elegant, classy looking woman.
How about ROUTE.
Who cares? I’m from the Western PA & slip into Pittsburghese sometimes. I like Colleen. She’s a pro!
Why does it even matter? This is the most demeaning post/conversation I have seen here. It does not matter how someone speaks, we all speak differently. Leave people alone, just because you say it one way OP does not mean we all have to say it the way you do.
I can see this is an old post but it should really be removed from this community, it undermines what is called a “Community”.
Colleen Lopez… here ye here ye the word “Root” is not pronounced “Rut”, next time you host a hair root covering product.
Ladies, Ladies. Do me a favor and pronounce
‘”Pool”, “School”, “moo”. a double “OO” is pronounced with a long “o”Hence, the word “Root” is the same as above. check the pronunciation link below
or how about “root canal”, “root beer”…. not “rut canal”
I rest my case……..:))
A long o is pronounced o. Root has a long oo sound, not a long o sound. I taught grammar…I rest my case.
It is definitely not said with a long o. That would be rote. It’s the same with the way people say roof…depends on where in the United States you are.
Agreed Posh52. Long “O” is like Rome or home. LOL, are we really having this conversation? I actually think English is a difficult language and I’m American born. We have I before E except after C. Letters that appear in words that are silent- then why appear if you don’t want to be acknowledged? Waste of time and ink in my opinion.
She is from MN, as am I. I say long o. Must be the school or family.
Thanks McLomo I was just about to say the same.
It’s not incorrect. Check it out: http://www.m-w.com (Merriam-Webster online dictionary). You’ll see the two ways to pronounce “root.” It depends where you’re from.
ToMAto, toMAHto, 🙂
Conversation Info
Posted in Beauty
15 Replies
03.18.20 5:14 PM
12 Participants