Bring Back Wei East
I sure do miss the old beauty vendors. Especially Wei East. She was the creme of the creme (in her own words). I don’t know why she left but I’m just hoping she comes back. Her products were great. Anyone who says asian skincare isn’t the greatest has never compared our beauty to theirs.
Thanks to all who contributed to this thread! <3
On March 12, 2025 the TS will be large size of Eyes Alive!!!
This is great news that my never tested on animals double batch of EYES ALIVE with my green tea and cucumber will be on special tomorrow. Thanks @martinc https://www.hsn.com/products/the-beauty-spy-wei-east-supersize-eyes-alive/10093961
Perfect example, Eyes Alive is petroleum based, no way would that go anywhere near my eyes !!!
Yes!! Please bring back Wei East!!!
I’m gonna cry. My eyes alive sold out. When did it become available?
It has been online for about a month
Just ordered the Eyes Alive so glad it’s back ! I loved her line.
I wish HSN would bring back Vbeaute. I loved the Day Job SPF 30 moisturizer. It was lightweight and cosmetically elegant. The entire line was fantastic! Please bring Julie Macklowe back to HSN.
I also loved her skincare. I was using it back in early 2000, maybe earlier. My favorite was her green China herbal line and chestnut. I remember I had just started using a set I had ordered from her China herbal line that included eyes alive, cleanser, cream. At the time I was in my early forties and in nursing school. We were gathered around a table studying and discussing homework when one student asked me “N……. Can I ask you something.? Have you done anything to your face? I said no you guys have seen me for the past two semesters n I haven’t missed a class! Lol. It was Wei east I thought what I had done differently and it was my new set I had been using for a few weeks. Is she returning?
I agree with you. I really loved the White Lotus line and especially Wei’s hand and body lotion. My skin had a GLOW to it. Face and body.
Wei’s EYES ALIVE is to live for!
I get Eyes Alive from Amazon.
You get her products on Amazon or from her site.
Hi Skittles135-“My Marshmallow Sole Sister” …
THNX FOR THE ‘site’ INFO!! And eye product info! After MJK58 (HELLO &
HAPPY SPRING to you!) and your Eye’s Alive product RAVES… I’m DEF GONNA TRY IT!! And HELLO Iwray0311
- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL your info and CLARIFICATION’S!!! ESPECIALLY THE GOOD NEWS!! Look forward to ‘seeing’
Wei’s BEAUTIFUL FACE again! (Hope that’s her name
) My best to you ALL
maybe she has upgraded her ingredients over the years
I’m looking forward to Wei’s return.
Sorry, but I have to disagree, Wei is a very nice person, but her skin care was pure junk, most of the products were petroleum based.
I use to use Wei’s products when she was on HSN. My skin was well hydrated no wrinkles and had a GLOW to it. I’m a 58 yr old AFRICAN American female and Wei’s products did wonders for me but, everyone’s skin is not the same. I’m looking forward to her return to HSN.
I have to agree weis skin products were junk. her labels on her jars weren’t manufactured on the jars, they were put on with a ink label stamper. It came off very easily and I had no way of knowing one jar to the other.
I love Wei’s skincare. I was so sad when she left HSN. Hope to see her in 2024!
Eyes Alive is now being sold with the Beauty Spy. Its currently available 24.00 and free shipping
Ordered my Eyes Alive just 2 days ago. Can’t wait to get it.
Yes, I agree and her products were tested on animals.
Hi Iwray0311-
HAPPY SPRING TO YOU! Wooow… you just brought me back!! I used to LOVE WEI EAST Beauty Products! ESPECIALLY the White Lotus Daylight Perfection and Moonlight Recovery Creams!!!! I SO MISS THEM!!! If anyone has any site info-please forward… LETS TRY TO BRING PRODUCT LINE BACK TO HSN! Still, I LOVE MY PRAI!!! ALWAYS MY BEST
We’re in luck! WooHoo!! Found out that Wei East hasn’t been here because she’s been in China, but she IS due to be returning to HSN. Can’t wait!
Her products done wonders for my skin. None that I had purchased was petroleum based. Not saying some aren’t but I don’t use petroleum based skin care. My pores won’t stand it. My skin is looking forward to her come back. I’m sure HSN is as well as her products were one of their biggest sellers, at least according to HSN. And NO her products are NOT tested on animals. That is false info being rumored. She actually requires documentation from all raw material suppliers certifying they also don’t do animal testing.
Conversation Info
Posted in Beauty
27 Replies
2 weeks ago
14 Participants