Beauty with Benefit bag
Thank you HSN for the opportunity to give my daughter a little calm and peace during these trying times. She is a medical essential worker running two offices dealing with the covi 19 exhausted and completely drained when she returns home so I thought a little pick me up would be just what she needed and it came today Sunday her day off and when she called she was opening the bag saying oh wow nice treat and greatly appreciate from mother and daughter
Hi pajewelrynolfan, GOD BLESS your amazing daughter ~ she is truly one of our courageous heroes and greatly appreciated, endless thanks for all she does. And what a great mom you are treating her with a fun surprise. Stay Safe, (((((((((((((((((SUPER HUGS ALL AROUND)))))))))))))))))))))) ~
Conversation Info
Posted in Beauty
2 Replies
05.18.20 1:34 AM
2 Participants