Active Argan is coming from ShopHQ
I too am an avid user of AA. Morgen is the most honest, real person I have ever seen on shopping channels. She will return on DECEMBER 29 for 2 shows: One at 2PM and one at 6PM.
I too have noticed the higher product prices and I am sure that due to Europe’s dealing w COVID, new products are not readily available. I am out of the Plasma eye cream and the five minute facial kit. Unfortunately, I do not see the Plasma line on HSN or the 5 minute facial.
It is a great line and is NOT greasy or heavy. My skin was looking great at 74 and now I am running out of product…ugh.
Morgen will help anyone and is on Instagram on 2 sites. She helps everyone and will always answer your questions. Fingers crossed for better prices, amybe free shipping and my 5 min facial kit on DEcember 29th. Happy Holidays all.
I also wonder if the Active Argan line works. Josie’s line is okay for my body but it has a lot of chemicals in it. I sometimes just use plain old Argan oil. For winter, I am going to be using her body butter but I’d like something with less chemicals. Korres used to be nice but I break out in the new “aging” formulas. Korres is so highly scented that most give me a headache. And Beekman is also full of chemicals. Sigh.
There are a lot of products in the Active Argan line – (here on HSN) – I’ve not heard of them & hate to put out yet another $$$$ on something that might or might not work for my eye area.
I’ve used Elysse, Signature, Josie Maran, IT, Skinn & many others – I guess I’m past the age of no return (81), but keep hoping.
Do you who use this line, think it is truly great?
I love the products. Have used for 3 years. but the prices here at HSN are more than I can afford.
It’s December… where are her programs? I did make a purchase for her today’s special in July. I’m running out of eye cream -
I am so glad i stocked up on her 4 piece facial kits…I got one double size and 3 reg size at great prices before she left… I gave 2 small ones as gifts…..After what HSN did to Skinn cosmetics i had a feeling they wouldn’t have all her stuff and if they had the facial kit it would be alot higher priced..Am still working on the double size kit so am set for awhile now,then might have to buy from her website…To bad she left shophq.
the prices are no where near shop hq and with shipping fees on each item I won’t be buying much.
I love hsn but this charging 20.00 if you buy a few items and they get shipped together is a ripoff
@babidoll the host is supposed to be Sara. Earplugs may be needed. Both ladies like to speak very loudly.
I’m very excited about Active Argan coming to HSN. I’ve been waiting. I tried 3 of their products as Morgan left SHOPHQ and I can say I’m impressed. The formulation works better than argan oil alone. I also think those of us that use this product and those looking for effective skincare may (hopefully) get better deals than what the cost was on SHOPHQ.
If Morgan and HSN keep the cost affordable I believe there is a large market that will try these products. At least I can say the 3 products I bought are working and would encourage others to try. Especially try me kits again if affordable. It’s we the consumer that drives the prices to a large degree. If it’s too expensive simply don’t buy this product but if kept affordable I would encourage ladies and men to give this product a try. As with any skin care line not everything will work for everyone but I guess I got lucky with the choices I made and see results.
no kits at all I already looked 🙁
Active Argan will be here at HSN live on July 21st midnight E.T….so July 20th at 9 P.M. P.T.
I really hope Morgan kicks it off with a bang. Looking for great prices and learning about her best products as well as those that have worked for many customers. Really excited!!!
I also wish the host whoever it is, will be totally honest with her sales pitch. What I mean is we have a host I adore as a person who keeps us awake and I have a good time watching her but she has mislead me and others a few times. Just give it to us straight please. If a product works, tell us why. What should we see after x amount of time. If we can afford 1 product that works, what should we buy?
Good Luck #morganshick #activeargan #amymorrison #bobbiraycarter #valeriestup
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Posted in Beauty
11 Replies
12.17.21 12:31 PM
8 Participants