“We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Happy Birthday, January 15th
Good Night everyone, stay safe and use your mask. Have a great three day weekend.
Thank you for hosting OODIEBOM. Wishing you the best of birthdays tomorrow. My wish for you is lots of health, lots of love, lots of happiness, and win that power ball or mag a millions.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Thanks to Sheba for the cake and flowers and to FBN for a cake and those delicious cupcakes. I hope to have a nice, quiet birthday tomorrow with the celebrations when all is back to normal, whatever the normal is. Hubby and I will probably do something unusual—-well sort of——well, if you can call grocery shopping unusual. Hmm..oh well, it will be fun to get out of the house and into some sunshine. I hope you all have a great weekend. There are tons of visiting you can do on line besides zoom. There are libraries to visit along with museums and even some of the fun places you may find along a familiar route. Just google a place you would like to see and before you know it, you are there, by computer of course. Try to learn something new each day, whether it is a college course, a new language, or just something to see. Try some of the pictures from MSN Bing. You can visit wherever that site takes you. Meanwhile, I wish you well and hope the week makes you smile and laugh. Until next week, wear your masks, wash your hands and social distance. I want to see you right back here. Until then, pleasant dreams, good night..
You could have fooled me with that answer. In New England February has usually been the coldest and the snowiest month. January is usually cold for the first week or so and then we get the thaw. Temperatures 50 or 60 degrees is not uncommon during January and usually lasts for up to 3 wks..
Sweet dreams my friend. Stay warm and happy. ♡
Same to you my friend!!
Way cool. 😎🌹💕💕Thank you for the post on Oodie’s Birthday Thread.
Please take care and be safe.
Thanks and same to you Sheba…
FBN, I hope it won’t be long before you can zoom in that car. Good night and thanks for the cake and goodies.
No chance OODIE..but thank you…
Happy Birthday and many happy and healthy returns.
We all love you here in the HSN Community.
Goodnight my friend. 😘💕🌹
Goodnight to all Trivia Players please stay safe.
Goodnight oodiebom thanks for another good night of Trivia. 😎
Thank you for hosting Oodiebom.
I hope you have wonderful, safe, warm birthday 🥳 🎉 tomorrow.
Has anyone heard when they’ll be able to get the vaccine in their state? Nothing yet here.
The vaccine is in Florida. I heard there are quite a few states waiting. If I am not mistaken, Ma. is another one. You can google the vaccines to see who has it and those that are still waiting.
Yes in socal we have made appts for ourselves,my husband and myself 69 and 68 respectfully.our appts are for feb 23 at a Ralphs grocery,no charge.
Make that respectively
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
88 Replies
01.16.21 4:44 AM
10 Participants