If you like Grandidierite, it's not hard to find
I honestly cannot watch CL anymore, she makes this gem sound like it’s impossible to find, which it isn’t. I own a lot of Grandidierite and purchased most of it from one company that supplies HSN, ShopLC’s parent company. I’m guessing ShopLC’s parent company supplied the necklace shown on 17 Nov because I own that exact necklace and two matching bracelets. I also have many faceted rings, earrings, and tennis bracelets in this stone. If you love this stone, like I do, check out ShopLC and also JTV, they have plenty of choices.
ShopLC has often said that HSN is their biggest buyer of gemstones. However, I agree with both of you on the quality of the grandidierite necklace the other night. The colors were not that spectacular. I also love tanzanite and again the quality on HSN just isn’t there. I remember when HSN used to be the largest purchaser of gemstones that also included exotic pieces.
SydneyMom I agree with you. I own several pieces of Grandidierite jewelry in large size stones from Gems en Vogue. They are very high quality stones with good color saturation. You can buy them on shophq or at gemsenvogue.com. I own 3 pairs of Grandidierite earrings, 4 Grandidierite pendants and multiple Grandidierite rings from this brand and the are beautiful. What Colleen showed on air didn’t look that nice to me.
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Posted in Jewelry
3 Replies
11.19.20 7:26 PM
3 Participants