Paging fbn 😊
Hi fbn, I hope you don’t mind but I did some research.
This site has a lot of info.
This article is on the site. It gives a lot of resources.
Wishing you all the luck in the world. Please say hello to Velvet for me, I forgot to last night on Game Night. I hope you are both doing as well as possible through this Pandemic. Take care. 💗💜
for your actions and concern. I have two great doctors helping me…If there is something that can be done they will know it. Remember I live 50 miles frm NYC…Thanks again…You are so nice!!
Aww shucks, fbn. You make me blush. You are very welcome. I live less than 50 miles from Miami, God help me, you’re better off going to a Vet down here than going to a doctor. 😊
Hellooooo OOdie. 🎈
Hellooooo Velvet. 🎈
Hi fbn and pookie. Your local Lion’s Club should have this info along with the materials (lenses, magnifiers, etc. necessary for helping with the sight you do have). The members of the Lion’s Clubs contribute to this and other causes so that you might be able to obtain the equipment you need at reduced prices. There should be a Low Vision Center near you and if not, you may be able to reach out to a local club for more info.
There are also special magnifiers that you can use with a computer. I’m sure you already know about the “Talking Books.” Any questions, do not hesitate to ask.
so much OODIE…My major problem is distortion. Nor a lot can be done.. But we are trying.
Understood. I’ll keep trying as well. Take care and stay safe.
Hi there Pookie, thanks for the shout out! ♡
Conversation Info
Posted in HSN Arcade
7 Replies
08.16.20 4:47 AM
4 Participants