Going to a Regatta?? Are you kidding me?
Diane just said you could go to the Regatta in her crepe pants. Do her remission drugs remove her THAT MUCH from her HSN demographic??? Or is she just THAT delusional? No $40 “stretch crepe polyester” trousers at any Regatta anywhere ever.
I went to a regatta in Henley, UK in a DG top. Swans swam by, while I was surrounded by Ivy leaguers and men in linen suits. I drank white wine and loved it. I fit right in. Classism doesn’t have much place in daily life anymore.
How would you like it if someone treated you the way you’re treating Diane Gilman, Sharon? So what if she said “regatta.” Diane is an innovator, a very successful businesswoman, a risk-taker, and a survivor. I’m glad to see that she’s looking good these days. Petty put-downs are not attractive.
Harsh? I’m not the one who said it. She reaches when stuff isn’t selling like it usually does. Put me on blast all you want but delusional comments get no pass from me. Not sorry.
ew. talk about harsh remarks.
No one buying Diane Gilman clothes is going to a Regatta, chill out. Lol
Conversation Info
Posted in Fashion
6 Replies
02.19.20 3:55 AM
5 Participants