Unlink my PayPal from the hsn app
How do I unlink my paypal account from the hsn app
It’s ridiculous and extremely hard to do. PayPal requires you to accept their terms of service to even access the ability to see how to disconnect or delete your PayPal from HSN. I should be able to disconnect and/or delete my PayPal payment method from HSN payment methods, just like I can delete my credit cards and debit cards from HSN payment methods. I already have a card on file with HSN and I don’t want PayPal on my HSN payment methods any longer.
Hi @angelao1, you should be able to remove your PayPal from your payment methods via HSN.com.
@georgiesgirl7, you’ll need to contact PayPal for details. Once you reach out to PayPal, they will contact us to remove the account.
This is ridiculously inconvenient.
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Posted in Customer Service
5 Replies
10.31.22 1:33 PM
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