Helen Keaney
Watching Diane Gilman today and just wanted to provide some feedback about the host, Helen Keaney. I found it was so distracting that Helen kept overtalking Diane Gilman. It would be so nice to just listen to Diane Gilman instead of Helen continually talking while Diane was talking. Just providing feedback because this is not the first time that I have watched Helen where she continually interrupts. So much so that I am starting to avoid what anything she is on at HSN.
Just butting… Helen is one of my favorite hosts. She is pretty chatty!
Helen is one of my favorite hosts. I saw her recently with Diane. Helen stood there patiently while Diane talked, talked, and talked. Maybe TPTB told her to step up and not let Diane take control.
Who knows more–the host or the vendor? Methinks the vendor, so I’m okay with Diane “interrupting.”
Nope, it is Gilman that constantly interrupts the hosts. She is beyond rude and obnoxious.
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Posted in Fashion
5 Replies
12.09.19 5:08 PM
5 Participants