Odd occurrence with past flexpay and checkout during purchase….
I was making an online purchase and proceeded to check out. When I did, it flagged me that I had an overdue flexpay. I just paid my credit card bill 13 days ago when it was due. It’s not due again until November 10. But it said one particular flexpay was due on Oct. 19th. I called CS and explained that it was very strange that if I pay my credit card bill on time to have to pay ANOTHER payment BEFORE my bill is due next month. I even paid more than the minimum last time. My question to her was, “If I have put several things on flexpay in the last few months, I could easily have several different flexpays due within the SAME month BEFORE the next credit card payment. It doesn’t make sense to me that I pay more than the minimum every month but might end up having to make another (or two or three….whatever the case) payment before the actual due date. This is the first time it’s ever happened. I wonder if it’s something new that’s been implemented. I actually had to make that payment BEFORE I could check out. Even though I actually just sent that item back two days ago. (Within the 30 days.) Very strange. Anyone else had this to happen?
Hi @crushy, I’m sorry for the concern that was caused while you were attempting to place an order. I took a look at your account and saw that there was a payment that needed to be paid prior to placing an order.
Please keep in mind that payments to Synchrony Bank for your HSN Credit Card is separate from any future or outstanding FlexPays that would need to be paid.
@crushy, it sounds like you had a FlexPay that was past due preventing you from placing your order. FlexPays are separate from your HSN Credit Card payments so even though you may be up to date on your Credit Card bill, you could still have outstanding FlexPays. You can stay up to date on your FlexPay balance by visiting the FlexPay Manager on our site.
Yes, I understand what you are saying. It just seems to defeat my purpose of using flexpay when I am charging my HSN card for purchases and can make my ONE payment to them instead of several payments in the month. I’ve been shopping with HSN for many, many years and never had that to happen before. So guess what I did? I charged it to my HSN card…problem solved. Now I’ll just pay my card like I do anyway.
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Posted in Customer Service
4 Replies
10.24.19 7:38 PM
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