Return shipping. Not free
Last week I ordered the tablet daily special It was very nice but not what my husband needed so I take it to the post office to return it Surprise !!! The cheapest I could send it back for was $18.00. So my advice would be make sure you plan to keep any electronics you buy.
MMs .
This is bull . HSN needs to modify what it allows it’s hosts to say on television. They always say, you have 30 days to return, for any reason. They need to add the phrase, at your expense of course.
Me either. I will stick with Amazon Prime.
I found out the hard way too. I had to return a tracfone but there was no return shipping label for HSN. It had to be returned to the sender in Texas and it cost me over $17.00. Phones come in big boxes so they’re as expensive to return as a tablet.
I also found that out the hard way so will no longer purchase larger electronics from HSN.
Conversation Info
Posted in Electronics
5 Replies
08.01.19 5:55 PM
4 Participants