Customer Service…
HSN/QVC Cust Serv – GREAT… UNTIL TONITE (this morning =) 6/14-12:56am CSR Team Member “Amelia”). DO realize, after 25+ yrs & TENS OF THOUSAND$ $PENT w/HSN, C/S now ENDS 1:00am… DID reach BEFORE 1:00am AND DID NOT DESERVE TO BE HUNG UP ON! I was reaching out for HELP w/an HSN ERROR AND RELIANT UPON “Amelia’s” HELP-so WHY be rude/problematic WHEN “Amelia” WAS THE PERSON WHO “COULD” HELP? Makes no sense to be such, right? Well I wasn’t such AND “Amelia” STILL HUNG UP ON ME! I “believe” b/c couldn’t or didn’t know how to help and maybe was insulted (?) when I requested to speak w/a Supervisor…? Whom of course by this time, there was no Supervisor TO speak with b/c they’d already left… even though there were calls initiated BEFORE 1:00am w/some unresolved issues ONLY a Supervisor CAN resolve.
Suggestion: if a CSR Team Member is on a call received BEFORE 1am, maybe a Supervisor SHOULD BE AVAILABLE UNTIL ALL CALLS ARE FINISHED-RESOLVED-ENDED …Because maybe CUSTOMER NEEDING RESOLVE has a prior commitment or job at 8am (when a Supervisor becomes next available) AND THE “ISSUE” ITEM HAS 1-2 left and may SELL-OUT! IDK, doesn’t sound that unreasonable to me…
RE: Ordered NEW item-received IRREGULAR (one leg inch+ longer than other)-called & initiated a return/even exchange-tracking reads delivered-Item NOT RECEIVED. NO TRACKING INFO ON MY END AVAILABLE. ONLY ITEM WITHOUT THIS INFO in ALL order statuses! And, REFUND was ISSUED for item- WHY? ESPEC when Sz/color STILL AVAIL now – tomorrow… maybe not. PAST PROTOCOL was always to start a tracking/postal investigation when item was reading delivered yet not received, was it not? (was always my experience anyway) Think about it… I (anyone) could receive an item then “claim” not to have received, and get a refund- DOESN’T MAKE SENSE.
Now I’m INCONVENIENCED and all “Amelia” had to do was re-send or re-order item, as to assure no sell out of size/color (and she had confirmation my return was initiated/on the way via tracking info) BUT… do AT SAME PRICE ORIGINALLY PAID (item now $15 MORE). Not only did “Amelia” say she cannot do this, but BECAUSE SHE REFUNDED ITEM, said I would NOW have to order and PAY NEW PRICE. I **NEVER** ASKED FOR A REFUND-I WANT THE ITEM ORDERED AT THE SAME PRICE! WASN’T EVEN REFUNDED ORIG S/H either! It’s very DIFFICULT TO BELIEVE THE ITEM WAS EVEN SENT IN THE FIRST PLACE!! WHY NO tracking Info provided – WHY NO POSTAL investigation? AND, my original return was confirmed – “return initiated” – and on the way via postal tracking info! So easy for HSN-NOT SO MUCH FOR ME, THE PAYING CUSTOMER…
Stopped shopping HSN for OVER a year+ b/c of MANY ORDER ISSUES & started shopping again when became “Qurate” hoping to start anew. $PENDING A LOT OF $$$$ w/HSN LATELY (QVC TOO) AND DESERVE BETTER – WE ALL DO. NOT trying to be problematic or a complainer, but this wasn’t right -ESPEC BEING HUNG UP ON! NO excuse’s – was deliberate – it’s the WHY I find intriguing. Even RETURNED $160.+ of “QVC” merchandise SENT by HSN… I AM HONEST – NOT looking to pull a fast one on HSN – and PAY ON TIME MONTHLY. MANY other sites/B&M places to $PEND, BUT REALLY enJOY SHOPPING HSN (QVC too) ALWAYS HAVE… BUT IF HAVE CONTINUOUS ISSUES, it’s not what I want, but I WILL STOP SHOPPING AGAIN. If HSN (QVC-Qurate) no longer desires my patronage, just say so… I will pay-off ALL flex pays, cancel auto-ship items and we’ll be done. No attitude- No hard feelings…
Oh, just curious… why can’t I post in the Community? Was posting fine a few months ago…
Sorry reader’s. This was “for me” to clear my angst until 8am… lol. ALWAYS My Best To All ❤️🤗
@delraylaw, we take this matter very seriously, and I am truly sorry for the negative experience and inconvenience. I share your disappointment and will make sure this matter is resolved in a positive way. I have made notes on the order regarding your interaction, but before sending out a complimentary replacement order I want to make sure the first replacement has not arrived since you reached out here. I will await your reply before moving forward.
BTW-it IS possible, IF item was ACTUALLY sent to me, that it’s still in the mail and may possibly be delivered today, right? … So why was “Amelia” SO QUICK TO REFUND? DID SHE SOMEHOW “KNOW” THE ITEM WAS NEVER SENT OUT IN THE FIRST PLACE-hence, WHY I HAVE NO TRACKING INFO AT ALL on my end?! THAT… makes sense to me… I NEVER ASKED FOR NOR WANTED A REFUND! I WANT the item ordered-SAME SIZE SAME COLOR AT THE SAME PRICE! IT IS STILL AVAIL… Yet, I’m told I must order again, BUT AT ASKING PRICE NOW—$15+ MORE… WHY DID SHE REFUND IN THE FIRST PLACE?? ESPEC KNOWING I’d be calling a Supervisor at 8am? …UNLESS REPLACEMENT WAS NEVER SENT OUT… AND SHE KNEW THIS!!!!! WOW, THAT thought NEVER even crossed my mind til this very moment-BUT MAKES PERFECT LOGICAL SENSE TO ME…
3hrs 9 min’s til 8am…
Conversation Info
Posted in Customer Service
4 Replies
06.14.24 3:02 PM
2 Participants