Bogus coupons
I strongly recommend you don’t send coupons that are today only. Then when you go to use it it’s bogus and invalid. I received a 25% off coupons that I can’t even use. So please don’t send me anymore supposed coupons that are basically invalid. Extremely disappointing considering all the purchases your customers make.
I too have not been getting many coupons. Much less in the HSN birthday month. Very sad. I too am a decades long HSN customer. I received one for 15%. Big deal not hardly covering shipping now. I used to received a 10-15% off during my birthday MONTH. Now I got a 10% to be used within a 4 day weekend. Really? There are better coupon deals at other online stores. for those of us that have spent a lot of money at HSN over the years and for those of us that have HSN cards-what a laugh.
I don’t know what happened, but I no longer received coupons.
In a way it is good, saving money on my end.
Here’s another way they’re bogus…
15% off for me!Really? Been shopping here for yrs. and yrs. Consistently!
And, spend tons over the yrs. How about showing a little better appreciation!
What a slap in the face! -
@myshsn, so sorry to hear you ran into trouble with a coupon you received. We appreciate the feedback regarding the timeframe of our coupons, and we’ll be happy to share your feedback about the experience with our marketing team.
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Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
5 Replies
05.04.24 7:22 PM
5 Participants