Is it just me, or has HSN really disappointed with the Gardening options this year? I’m really bummed about the lack of variety in plants. I’m extremely disappointed that every time I check out Guy’s in the Garden, there is a different host. I’ve ended up spending my plant and garden money over at QVC. And you guys probably know that QVC has better shipping costs, but their prices are outrageous (especially clothing and shoes).
No, not you. For me, prices have gone up while quality has gone down. Only thing I ordered this year was organic “mater” plants, as I sometimes cannot get my fav. cherokee purple near me.
I feel even reduced price of $19.99 is high for 4 wee plants. I like spending less at garden centers and choosing the plant I want.
For me, the grand finale ever ordering plants again was when I saw vanzeder (forgot name) asclepias at WM for $6 less!! If ya spend $35 (which I always do since I order heavy stuff to be delivered), no shipping fee.
Interestingly I have found many items that q & hsn sell for less at wm.
I hardly purchase anything from them anymore. Got really fed up when I would be listening to tv while working around house, to hear about something, take a quick look, and learn the price on screen is higher than host said. SHOPPING RERUNS!! Worst yet, is the same reruns over & over. OMG they got too big for their breeches!!! -
No. It is not you. HSN has been showing the same products over and over again. There is little variety and nothing that knocks my socks off worth ordering. It is a shame. I haven’t really felt like ordering anything in a very long time. As far as QVC goes, they seem to have greater variety, but I don’t order from them due to prices.
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Posted in Home
3 Replies
04.18.24 1:47 AM
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